TheSnowbear's Articles » Page 5
March 9, 2007 by TheSnowbear
It seemed simple . I wanted some tylenol. Very simple.. I had a head ache- I wanted tylenol. I asked the guy behind the counter for the tylenol.. ( a fast quick stop type place) He then went into the following: extra strength? caplets or tablets, bottle w/ screw lid or pop off. I looked at him as he continued. The clerk beside him... a woman, and someone who wasn't still in her teen years. .. rolled her eyes.. I stated... I WANT TYLENOL NOW!. He started again. tylenol pm or arthritis for...
March 9, 2007 by TheSnowbear
Recently a friend's close friend's child died after being in this world 3 days. She had a rare heart defect. At times words aren't easy to say.. my friend expressed the need for us to listen to those who have lost a loved one.. even at this early an age.. It helps with the healing process. I will admit it has been hard at times to listen to someone who lost a loved one. even if it was someone they had know all their lives.. like a grandparent, parent, etc. But to listen to someone talki...
March 7, 2007 by TheSnowbear
Tomorrow I finish my work week,, not a day too soon. If it could have gone wrong since Saturday.. it has. From the car, to the IRS, (finally heard from them), to the dishwasher. Even the cat was a pain. But I'm going to survive, things could have gone worse, things are functioning.. except the dishwasher, and I have a 3 day weekend ahead of me. Just received a text message that my 8 week old grandson now weighs 12.5 pounds. He's wearing 3-6 month size, and my daughter swears he grow...
March 4, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I crawled out of bed.. dressed, grabbed lunch & breakfast, and headed out the door. WOW,, the wind was strong, stepped back in, put on warmer jacket, and left again. That is when I saw it. SNOW!!!!!!!!! It was snowing! Not a blizzare, but it was coming down! It was beautiful. The ground was slowly being covered, I was sooo happy. By 9:00 a.m. it was history. It was like Mother Nature had this small amount left over and was cleaning out the attic before bringing in spring. I ...
March 2, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I have Fridays off. I slept in. I woke up, turned up heater, and then took a nap. I finally got up about 9 a.m, fixed breakfast, and that is about all I have accomplished. I did absolutely nothing so far... I'm playing w/ my cable's brand of tyvo... I love it, my daughter talked me into it. It was extremely easy to set up.. and have everything programmed into the remote except my stereo... not sure it that is going to make it. I've set up my favorite shows to record, reminders,and...
March 1, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I'm taking a break from cleaning, and decided to do some shopping. Believe it or not.. I am not one that really loves shopping in malls.. or just shopping for the fun of it. Yarn stores... welll that is another subject... won't go there... So today... I'm doing some perusing of the net, trying to get the Easter basket for the grandkids started. Now, I am the mother of a daughter, and yes, she deserves a basket of her own. Son-in-law will prob get a fish.. (salt water) coupon, just...
February 27, 2007 by TheSnowbear
The month of March has 2 full moons... thus a blue moon. The first and the last Saturday of the month. This is fairly rare.. and not to be really enjoyed. I have to work both those days, and the middle one to boot. *I work every other Sat.* When it's a full moon, the people who call my place of employment are uh well heck.. WEIRD! They come out of the woodwork.. They complain that something that happend 15 months ago on their account can not be found this second and they are going t...
February 24, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I'm organizing & cleaning out closets.... yeah I 'm strange.. but it needed doing..... So.. I found this box, it looked familar, but I couldn't remember why.. I opened it up.. and guess what? I found over $100.00 in singles! Now this would be perfect if I wanted to go to certain type clubs... but, it meant something else. When I was trying to quit buying a pop every day... I would put the dollar bill in the box... and I could watch myself save money!. Well, a few moves.. the addi...
February 22, 2007 by TheSnowbear
Ok, I've put it off, I needed something from my closet, and uh well,,,, it exploded. SOOOO, now I have 3 days to clean out, organize, sort & put it back neatly. Now, that everything fell on me... I can't remember what the heck I was looking for in the first place. We're to have thunderstorms this weekend.. so it will be a good time to get closet done.. But geeeeezzzz, popcorn, drink & a movie sounds sooooo much My work week is over, I'm crashing early, thanks for st...
February 20, 2007 by TheSnowbear
My phone was acting up.. The picture went upside down.. then backwards,, then 2 or 3 of them. Then screen went blue, and disconnected. Ok..enough was enough.. I drove to Sprint. Advised them the problem..(I carry insurance...) waited 20 minutes.. new phone... same model.. some upgrades... no charge.. thanked me, transferred all 77 pictures...( hey I'm MeMaw remember) and was totaly completely NICE. Apppreciative... helpful. I'm awe struck. They 100% did what they were supposed ...
February 18, 2007 by TheSnowbear
OK.. back to the same ol'e thing.. laundry, kitchen, housework.. such But, everything is done.. work tomorrow, and then everything gets back to automatic. IRS was survived, trip to CA.. survived, now, just life, work, eat, clean, repeat. But at least I'mhere to repeat. Now.. if only I get the winning lotto #'s.... I could.... pack up the apartment.. and hmmmmmmmm what would I do... any suggestions?lol Thanks for stopping bye.. don't forget to say hi!
February 17, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I was back at work today. The temp at midnight was 34, this am @7:00 it was 22. That is weird. We had snow last night. I had more trouble getting out of my drive than on the highways though. Work was ... work.. few problems.. but not bad overall. A bit strange since last I was there was 2-6... hehehehe.. love vacations. But, now back to the budget, diet, and oh yeah.. getting up at 5:00 am everyday. oh what fun. Ok.. now that I'm back and functioning, have to figure out ...
February 16, 2007 by TheSnowbear
leaving San Diego it was around 65...Arriving in KC, it was 4. What is wrong w/ this picture? There was snow, ice and wind! I had left my coat at home... and only had a light blouse & a long sleeve shirt to brave the cold. My girlfriend picked me up thankfully, and we made it to my home nice and warm. I had about 2 minutes max in the cold till I was inside my home. My cat was very ticked off she was having to be without me for over a week, the fish were glad to be fed,and all in all no b...
February 14, 2007 by TheSnowbear
OK, Tomorrow at this time, I'll be at the airport, boarded. I can't believe I've been here a week.. I've spent loads of time w/ the kids.. and truly enjoyed it.. but.. time for this one to go back to KC.. Daughter is doing great w/ 2.. she is still a bit tired.. but that is to be expected till they graduate... college !lol... I am so proud of her.. a Marine wife, 2 children. and she always looks awesome when she goes out. I'm humbled. Her kids are always dressed great, and her h...
February 12, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I was playing w/ my granddaughter, when she did something that reminded me of my daughter. Let's just say my granddaughter is determined. My daughter was more easily explained to. I could usually reason with her even at a young age. Well, granddaughter had an expression I had seen too many times, and lol. My daughter said thank you, please, and welcome at a very early age. I felt these were important words. back to the story... My daughter was discussing w/ granddaugther the impo...