It Happened!
Published on February 12, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Home & Family
I was playing w/ my granddaughter, when she did something that reminded me of my daughter. Let's just say my granddaughter is determined. My daughter was more easily explained to. I could usually reason with her even at a young age. Well, granddaughter had an expression I had seen too many times, and lol.
My daughter said thank you, please, and welcome at a very early age. I felt these were important words. back to the story...

My daughter was discussing w/ granddaugther the importance of minding, (can't remember exactly what granddaughter did.. I think she didn't want to eat), when granddaugther looked up at her mother, and said.. thank you.... I lost it. Daugther couldn't keep a straight face, and gave her daughter a hug...

There were so many times I in trying to discipline lost it, lol at whatever expression daughter did. My mother was an expert at keeping a straight face, daughter & I have yet to acqquire that skill.

I've a few more days to enjoy the family, lol at their antics, help daughter a bit, and enjoy the weather... then back to KC...

thanks for stopping by, don't forget to say hi!.

on Feb 12, 2007
on Feb 12, 2007
It is nice to see that our efforts are not wasted.