where does the time go?
Published on February 14, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Home & Family
OK, Tomorrow at this time, I'll be at the airport, boarded. I can't believe I've been here a week.. I've spent loads of time w/ the kids.. and truly enjoyed it.. but.. time for this one to go back to KC.. Daughter is doing great w/ 2.. she is still a bit tired.. but that is to be expected till they graduate... college !lol...

I am so proud of her.. a Marine wife, 2 children. and she always looks awesome when she goes out. I'm humbled.

Her kids are always dressed great, and her husband is always proud of her.. I am so impressed.

Why does the time fly bye... next thing I'll know they will both be in school...

Thanks for stopping bye... don't forget to say hi!

on Feb 14, 2007
Have a safe trip.
on Feb 14, 2007
IIIII aaaammmm heeeaddding out thhheerrreee Frrrriiiday! leaavvvvee some wwwaaarrrmmmttthh!
on Feb 15, 2007
Thanks, Hope your deliveries get there before you leave..
on Feb 15, 2007
It should be warmer when you make it out. I'm told we had a cold front... low 60's and actually rained 2 days. very lightly I might add. Oh well... KC is bitterly cold, and low tonight is 0. So I'm be nice and frozed by the time I'm home...lol
on Feb 15, 2007
Have a good trip.

Nothing better than visiting family, nothing worse than leaving when you're done.