What, where, when, new meaning when ordering
Published on March 1, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
I'm taking a break from cleaning, and decided to do some shopping. Believe it or not.. I am not one that really loves shopping in malls.. or just shopping for the fun of it. Yarn stores... welll that is another subject... won't go there...

So today... I'm doing some perusing of the net, trying to get the Easter basket for the grandkids started. Now, I am the mother of a daughter, and yes, she deserves a basket of her own. Son-in-law will prob get a fish.. (salt water) coupon, just a bit hard to mail those suckers out.

I like different things, things that stand out, and are rare. Little surprises that no one imagines. I may look for months, and just happen to find it via the net. So, while doing some surfing, hopefully I can find something that will really surprise them.

I am one of those that read the fine print...free shipping if ...... I save $ and usually get it faster than the norm. Also, depending on where I find the item.. it is sometimes shipped off to daughter & family by the shipper... due to it being cheaper.

So, while I'm not the shopper that some are... the net is my best friend when I want to avoid the crowds, find something a bit different, and get it where I want to go without the hassel of having to fight lines. Does this make me lazy? heck no.. my typing speed has increased and my gasoline bill has decreased. A win win situation,, lol

Take care, thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to say hi!

on Mar 01, 2007
About 6 years ago, I took my oldest son shopping for back to school stuff.  After walking through the largest mall in the area for a few hours and only finding 1 shirt, I asked him if he was enjoying this.  He said no (he is my son after all. ).  So we went home, hopped on the Internet and found all his stuff in about 1/2 hour!  Been an internet shopping junkie ever since!