keep it simple silly
Published on March 9, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
It seemed simple . I wanted some tylenol. Very simple.. I had a head ache- I wanted tylenol. I asked the guy behind the counter for the tylenol.. ( a fast quick stop type place) He then went into the following: extra strength? caplets or tablets, bottle w/ screw lid or pop off. I looked at him as he continued.

The clerk beside him... a woman, and someone who wasn't still in her teen years. .. rolled her eyes.. I stated... I WANT TYLENOL NOW!. He started again. tylenol pm or arthritis formula?

It was at this moment I seriously considered strangling him. What was his problem?.. If my head hadn't been killing me I would have yelled.

She finally pushed him aside. grabbed a bottle of the extra strength- and rang it up.. took my $ and thanked me.. She dropped a nice piece of chocolate in the sack with it. I thanked her and left. As I was leaving he stated.. but she said tylenol.. Some men will never get it. I understand about being exact.. but gezzzzzzzzz.

on Mar 10, 2007
Yikes...sounds like he made the headache worse....hope it's gone by now.
on Mar 10, 2007

Have you ever read Mad Magazine?  They did a skit on cigarettes back in the 60s that was very similar to this!

Sorry, hope your headache is gone.

on Mar 10, 2007
I'm feeling better now.. some tylenol & a good nights sleep. but gezzzzzz I was ready to kill, lol