TheSnowbear's Articles » Page 3
June 3, 2007 by TheSnowbear
Thanks guys... I do have garlic- love the stuff. The good news: My short term disability is approved. The bad news: It was approved 2 days after the cut off for my paycheck for the 31st. The good news: I'll have a huge check on the 15th. The bad news. I've got to borrow some money for rent. The good news: I'm fairly sure that won't be a problem. The bad news: Now my right side of my jaw is swollen it is either a: bell's palsy, B. clogged saliva duct.. I've had B before.. If this doesn't get b...
May 29, 2007 by TheSnowbear
For some unknown reason.. I have pulled a muscle in the middle of my back. I have no idea how I did it.. I woke up and the upper back was swollen. I am on muscle relaxers & vicodan.. again.. I left early from work.. I had had enough.. I chipped a tooth.. exposing a nerve.. My fish tank is overwhelmed w/ algae, and the algae eaters aren't eating it. Ok.. enough Murphy.. go away and pick onsomeone your own size. I've had enough this year.. give me a month break.. PLEASE! ...
May 26, 2007 by TheSnowbear
OK.. worked Sunday & Monday. I'm cleaning the kitchen tomorrow.. and then knitting the rest of the time off. I have to keep busy or I'll eat everything in the house! When I'm nervous, anxious, I eat.. so, I'm keeping my hands busy. I've cleaned house.. so tomorrow finish the kitchen & I'm done! I hate waiting, I know there is nothing more that I can do.. so I just stay busy. My back is still a bit sore at times.. so feet up.. some tv and something to keep my hands busy. I...
May 24, 2007 by TheSnowbear
Ok interview over.. now will hear in about 2 weeks. So. I'm staying busy. Decluttering my life. I am off today & tomorrow, work Saturday, off Sunday & Monday. So.. I can enjoy the time off & be productive at the same time. I'm seeing an end to the clening, and feeling great while doing it.. Listing stuff to sell, and tossing junk. So., after the cleaning, I'm going to knit all I can to keep my self busy. So I don't go too crazy waiting. Its a nice overcast misty- rainy day.. ...
May 19, 2007 by TheSnowbear
OK.. I applied to the job Wenesday.. Friday they called me and want me to interview next Thursday. They also sent the extended application. I spoke to them 2 x Friday.. and they seem to want me..just hopeing the schedule can be worked out. So... keep me in your thoughts and your fingers crossed for me. I'll let you know Thursday after the interview how it goes. It would be the perfect job.. It's 2 blks (very close,,, very very close) from other job and could be there in 5 minutes. ...
May 18, 2007 by TheSnowbear
Recently I was off work due to an injury. OK.. now big deal.. We have short term disability.. no biggee right??? I received a denial letter due to the insurance company not receiving information from the doctor. I thought what the heck? So.. I called Dr. office and requested they fax the info again. Still.. denial. So yesterday I called requested they make copies of last 2 office visits, and call me if they could fax it then or if I need to pick it up tomorrow, (today) No call.....
May 16, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I did it. I applied for a part time job. 23-28 hrs per week to add to the 40 hrs now. Doing similar work. Working in a call center, answering calls by customers who have taken their brains out and forgot to put them back in. ( actual question asked today.. If my balance is 0.00 does that mean I owe you money?) what I wanted to answer was yes.. and it must go to me.. If you have seen the early posts. about 2 months ago.. or so.. you will know the IRS and I had a rather heated discussi...
May 13, 2007 by TheSnowbear
Ok.. I know that going to work on a Monday morning isn't everyone's idea of a gret time. However, after being off work for 2 weeks, unable to really accomplish anything... it is a good feeling to be going back to work. I'm still on muscle relaxers, and occasionaly a pain pill.. but the new meds ( anti-inflamatory) is really helping. Including my knee which has given me problems for years. So.. back to getting up at 5:15 am.. and getting home around 6:00 p.m. It will be good to just g...
May 10, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I'm still housebound due to my fall. Dr. did say by Monday I should be back to being able to work. I can do more than I could.. and have done some cleaning, dusting etc. It's my low back at this point, and I'm slowly getting back to normal. But for the most part, TV & my knitting is all that is keeping me company. I love to knit.. and I do enjoy tv.. but daytime tv is driving me nuts. I use to watch the soaps... quit that years ago.Not a fan of game shows, so it's 80's reruns... ...
May 6, 2007 by TheSnowbear
In recent posts, I've advised I've been hampered by a problem w/ my back & shoulders... I'm slowly healing, and thus in that in between stage.. I want to do something.. but everything I want to do I'm not able to due to my muscles still healing. I've seen the dust that just appeared on the top shelf.. ( yeah just appeared) and would love to clean it.. but that would require stretching and my muscles aren't quite ready for that. I've noticed several things that really need to be done...
May 3, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I can shower & wash my hair now w/out too much discomfort. I'm able to sit w/ a support in the middle of my back.. and my arms are slowly getting their range of motion back. The cat has decided to be with me nonstop. Constantly wanting attention, and rubbing on me. As if I'm not frustrated enought w/ not being able to knit, and/or read for any length of time. I can sit for short periods of time.. and that is when she decides to jump up and lay across my lap. If I didn't know bett...
May 1, 2007 by TheSnowbear
Ok.. day 2. I woke up w/ the cat giving me the same darn toy that caused the problem to start with. I couldn't throw it far.. but it did make it off the bed. I managed to get up.. function... kinda.. but try brushing your hair w/out lifting your arms. It ain't easy. Brushing my teeth was bad enough. Shower water.. but just couldn't wash my hair.. just couldn't handle the pain.. But. at least i felt a bit better. Thank goodness for sandwiches... and microwaves. ...
April 30, 2007 by TheSnowbear
It was about 5:20 a.m. today. I was getting dressed.. I kicked the cat's toy out of the way, and went to put on my jeants. For some asine reason my cat decided to come out of nowhere & attack it's toy. This action caused the following reaction: I was half in & half out of my jeans... I tried to dodge the cat, couldn't & fell catching my weight w/ my hands, and twisting my back as I fell. The cat fled. After I layed there I realized I had to get up or I would be mortified for dieing in...
April 27, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I have today, and yesterday off. Tomorrow I work, then off Sunday. During this time I am bound & determined to finish up a knitting project I've let take too long. It's a blanket for a dear friend of mine who is awesome about picking me up & dropping me off at the airport when I fly out. I've finished over 1/2 of it, and hopefully will finish at least 3/4 of it by Sunday night. I've put it off. but now.. nothing else gets knitted till it's done. Laundry is done between rows, an...
April 25, 2007 by TheSnowbear
I took the afternoon off.. I came home.. and Mother Nature has put on a show.. nice thunder... lighting... rain.. I love that about spring. I don't like tornadoes.. or homes destroyed..just thunderstorms. I could fall asleep in a hearbeat listening to a good thunderstorm. My cat hates them. lol She hides... then slinks out to get close to me.. then the thunder hits and she runs again.. Kinda fun watching..heheheh... So... spring has arrived.. we now have the April showers al...