It really happened
Published on February 20, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
My phone was acting up.. The picture went upside down.. then backwards,, then 2 or 3 of them. Then screen went blue, and disconnected. Ok..enough was enough.. I drove to Sprint. Advised them the problem..(I carry insurance...) waited 20 minutes.. new phone... same model.. some upgrades... no charge.. thanked me, transferred all 77 pictures...( hey I'm MeMaw remember) and was totaly completely NICE. Apppreciative... helpful.

I'm awe struck. They 100% did what they were supposed to... and even apologized I had to wait. I couldn't believe it. It works so much better as far as where no signal spots were.. with this phone.. they(no signal spots) aren't there.!!!!!

Had to share.. this rarely happens to me.. I mean wow!

Ok.. was a bit late to watch my ultimate show.... but 4 minutes late was worth it.

I have 18.67 hrs left to work this week.. then.. 3 day weekend. I'm exhausted.. haven't slept full night sleep since before left for daughters. This is getting to be a bit tiresome, to say the least!.

thanks for stopping bye... don't forget to say hi!

on Feb 21, 2007
Waves @ snobear!

That's great when you get good customer service isn't it?! Shocking!