Published on February 27, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
The month of March has 2 full moons... thus a blue moon. The first and the last Saturday of the month. This is fairly rare.. and not to be really enjoyed. I have to work both those days, and the middle one to boot. *I work every other Sat.*

When it's a full moon, the people who call my place of employment are uh well heck.. WEIRD! They come out of the woodwork.. They complain that something that happend 15 months ago on their account can not be found this second and they are going to sue. Never mind the fact that they never informed us of a problem, or even paid their bill...

It affects people, some say it doesn't but bet me it does. More babies are born on full moons.. the hospitals know and schedule for this. Some people are more edgy, crabby, etc.

So needless to say.. I'm doing everything I can to make the two full moon days.. calm... I'm popping a valium and and realizing it's only 8 hours... it's only 8 hours....

So.. one more day of work, then off 2.. then....... Full Moon..

Wish me luck.. thanks for stopping bye... don't forget to say hi!

on Feb 27, 2007
I feel like breaking into song!

Oh, and Hi!
on Feb 27, 2007
lol... I didn't even think of that song.... Thanks for the smile......
on Feb 27, 2007
All the crazies do come out during a full moon... I don't remember the last blue moon we had. I fully plan to do all sorts of strange and wonderful things that I say happen, "Only once in a blue moon"
on Feb 27, 2007
for me, the month of March has three PAYDAYS!   

(I get paid every other Friday)
on Feb 28, 2007

for me, the month of March has three PAYDAYS!

For me as well, although I only get paid twice a month.  But in March, we get paid on the last day instead of April fools day.