forgot it was even lost
Published on February 24, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
I'm organizing & cleaning out closets.... yeah I 'm strange.. but it needed doing.....

So.. I found this box, it looked familar, but I couldn't remember why.. I opened it up.. and guess what?

I found over $100.00 in singles! Now this would be perfect if I wanted to go to certain type clubs... but, it meant something else. When I was trying to quit buying a pop every day... I would put the dollar bill in the box... and I could watch myself save money!. Well, a few moves.. the addiction for a pop.. and things changed. So... now.. I found the box again. I'm tempted to restart my slush fund, and see how much I can save this time w/out loosing the box.

Of course now I would have to add some coin to the box as well... but, not a bad idea overall.

I'm grabbing a bite to eat, then back to work... who knows what else I'll find.

Thanks for stopping by... don't forget to say hi!

on Feb 24, 2007
It's always fun to find money you didn't expect.

I remember one time I pulled out an old sport coat I hadn't worn in months. Inside one of it's pockets was a $100 bill that I didn't remember putting there. I'm pretty sure the last time I had worn it was out drinking, which explains why I didn't remember putting it there or even missing it.