I've tried to find good tv. I've tried to find good movies. OK.. A trip to find a good book sounds like a good deal. Daytime tv isn't that big a deal as I'm not home but one week day a week. But the prime time tv selection isn't worth looking at. OK the strike is over, but still the shows that will come back will take a while. I firmly believe renting some good books on tape is my best bet. Is it just me or has the entertainment changed. They are remaking the classics, but not wit...
lately there seems to be a lot of old movies on tv. I guess it is due to the strike. From what I understand about the strike, the writers are upset they aren't getting enough money, so they put a lot of other people out of work. Make sense.. NOT There are some movies I haven't seen in years. They are enjoyable, entertaining, and some exciting are playing. So it's Sunday night, housework is done for another week, lunches and breakfasts are made, and I'm taking a sleeping pill so ...
My daughter was surprised as heck when she was a SR. and I could pick out all the cool clothes. I would smile, and say thanks. Little did she know I had worn almost the same styles when I was a Sr. Now, it has started all over again. I was looking at kids clothes, and the styles are so much like what I dressed my daughter in it was scary. My daughter had sent me a pic of her daughter in a cute outfit that looked sooo very similar. So.. I dug out the photo book, and yes.. there i...
Last night I received a call from my granddaughter. I answered the phone, I thought it was my daughter. it was.. but she simply said my granddaughter wanted to talk w/ me. She handed the phone to my granddaughter, and she & I talked about 3 minutes. For a 3 yr old, that is a fairly long conversation. She said she missed me, she had a boo boo, and her brother is walking.. among other things. Then she said I love you , bye bye, and hung up. She is very fast getting off the phone.. lo...
I'll admit it, I love football. i prefer it to basketball, base ball, any other sport. The season is too short, imho. I love my Sunday's, where the football games rule the tv. now, today, there are 2 games, the conference championship games. Then, in 2 weeks, superbowl. I have my snacks already lined up. I have never missed part of a superbowl since it started. (For those of you w/ math skills, yes, I'm over 21).. The season needs to be longer, with baseball & basketball sho...
It snowed yesterday and last evening. It is sooo beautiful. I have the luxury of sitting in my home, watching tv,and relaxing. I can look out and see the beauty of it. I hear on the news the problems it caused, none of which I would wish on anyone. Ilove to see the peacefulness the snow brings. It seems to bring out a quietness. I do hate the fact that it can and does cause problems w/ driving. Some people don't realize that when it snows, the roads aren't dry. The roads become wet...
I'm trying to find something worth while on tv. It is almost impossible. The choices are very very nil. The cartoons shown are not what I grew up on. All the silly tv ads, selling all kinds of fairly useless things. A few old classic movies, but nothing outstanding. Thank goodness for tivo.. I've recorded a bunch of shows from the week, thank goodness I have enough to get past the mid afternoon. I remember Saturday morning tv use to be entertaining. I remember waking up ...
It's Wenesday evening. I only have to survive Thursday, and 4 hrs Friday morning. Then it's weekend. The weather has been warm.. mid 60's... cold, 28, all within 42 hrs. Now it's raining, overcast, and dreary, Due to continue through weekend. Perfect. I'm going to be knitting, watching tv, and totally kicked back. I might get out some old receipes of my favorite cookies and have a snack. Make some chocolate mile, and think back to my childhood days of innocent times, and no wor...
It's been a long week. But, it's over. Now it's back to routine. I've started on my spring cleaning.. I like to do that at the first of the year to clear the decks. This weekend I'll start getting things ready for the tax returns.. and organizing and putting things in the file cabinet to sort and keep things simple for the rest of the year. I've put it off and now it seems the perfect time to do all this to get it straightened out once and for all. I'm trying to simplify my life and ...
I refuse to make NY's resolutions. Due to the fact that they are usually broken before the end of the first week. So..I'm slowly making changes in my life. Less fast foods, more salads. Less pop, more water, things like that. Then as those things become natural, more will be added. I know me. If I'm thrown a bunch of changes too fast, I drop one or two. This way, slowly I'm changing the way I'm eating and living. Small things, like take the stairs instead of the elevator. Parkin...
OK, the gifts are bought, the packages wrapped, cookies are being made... and the house is clean. I'm at my daughter's We are busy playing w/ 2 kids, ( under the age of 3) watching movies, and enjoying family time. The pressure of running to the store is over, and now we can just relax. She has decorated the house beautifully, my son-in-law has made some awesome cookies. and I'm enjoying just being w/ then all. My flight out here was great, everything arrived wonderfully, and now just...
I had my old DL, my new copy of my birth certificate, my proof of residence, cash, and headed for the DMV! I entered.. no one in line... 2 different people stated they could help me... I walked over, sat down, and less than 5 minutes later, had my DL! She accepted my old DL, my new copy of the bc, and my proof of residence, all she asked for was my ss card. Passed the vision test, and paid my $20.00 Took my pic. which of course looked horrible, but I have it. I'm legal again! Wh...
Ok.. Tomorrow I get to go for SEX. I've put $ aside, and tomorrow I've planned several shops to attack. Well, I was at work..and a friend asked what I was going todo tomorrow. I forgot where I was and stated in a loud & clear voice.. I'm going shopping for some SEX. Well, my boss was about 2 ft away, along w/ her boss, and along with her boss's boss's boss!!! My boss stated my name in a very loud clear voice, I had been talking to a fellow knitter who knew the slang. I tur...
Ok.. I waited.. It's been 2 weeks. I know.. She said approximately... THey sent my file to a company that checks out your back ground. If they find my ex- Iwonder if I could have his addy to have him thrown in jail.. ( he's only 20,000 behind in child support) They wanted to know an employer from yrs ago.. gezz where is my tax papers? thankfully it was the year that the irs was so interested in . Ok.. so now I'm officially keeping even busier.. jumping at every phone ring, and ...
I have today, and yesterday off. Tomorrow I work, then off Sunday. During this time I am bound & determined to finish up a knitting project I've let take too long. It's a blanket for a dear friend of mine who is awesome about picking me up & dropping me off at the airport when I fly out. I've finished over 1/2 of it, and hopefully will finish at least 3/4 of it by Sunday night. I've put it off. but now.. nothing else gets knitted till it's done. Laundry is done between rows, an...