I took the afternoon off.. I came home.. and Mother Nature has put on a show.. nice thunder... lighting... rain.. I love that about spring. I don't like tornadoes.. or homes destroyed..just thunderstorms. I could fall asleep in a hearbeat listening to a good thunderstorm. My cat hates them. lol She hides... then slinks out to get close to me.. then the thunder hits and she runs again.. Kinda fun watching..heheheh... So... spring has arrived.. we now have the April showers al...
Ok.. errands done. Housework done. I've got to replace tags on car today.. and that is about it. I've got to start being more adventurous. I know it's warm out there.. ( It was over 80 yesterday), but I've got to bite the bullet and get out more. During the winter, I'm hardly ever home..but now that warm spring is here.. I hate the allergies.. but... I'll pop the pill.. go change the tags,, and reward myself with a cold beverage... Then take the trash out.. and who knows. I've got to ...
I am a creature of habit. I usually take the same way to and from work. To and from the store, etc. Well, today the world was so beautiful outside I decided to take a detour. I saw garage sale sign... and well the car just unexpectedly stopped. (previous owner must have programmed that into it). I looked around.. and saw some books.. then... THEN!!!!!! yarn... knitting books... YES YES YES. I made a haul. I bought 6 books... none of which I had ever seen but one.. and a b...
Beautiful day.. sunny mid 50's... the weatherman really needs to get a life.. teasing about snow.. then nothing... reminds me of a lot of men I know.. I can relate to Dorthoy ( of Wizzard of Oz fame..) most of the men I've attracted lately, they are cowards, have no heart.. or are in need of a brain. Oh well, Life goes on.. The sun is shinning, beautiful weather, and I'm cleaning house.. after working all day.. my life is soo exciting I just can't stand it. take care, thanks ...
Finally Mother Nature is doing somehing for me that I truly love. Cold weather. We even have a chance of snow this weekend. Whether or not we do get snow is a mute point... It is still cold. Maybe more of the mosquites will be killed... Maybe some of the pollen that plaques me will be killed. I know... so please do not tell me all the money that is being lost due to the weather. I know the cost of heating etc. But, I can't change Mother Nature. So.. I'm going to enjoy it. I'm tr...
Ok.. KC is gettting hit w/ records lows.. but, if anyone would bother to remember the old wives tale & the Farmer's Almanak, eveone knows not to plant before Easter. (ducking from all the stuff thrown at me) I have friends who have planted their spring flower gardens, only to have them get bit by the frost bug. I tried to tell them.. but no they knew more than the old timer's. Meanwhile, I get to enjoy a bit more of the cool temps, hopefully it will kill a few more bugs. So... ...
HI.. It's been a crazy week... Finally was found on the pay site... survivied working for the weekend- and actually did nothing all day Sunday. Work has been crazy.. but tomorrow 8 hrs.. then off 3 days. I do have to go register the new to me car, get plates,etc. that cuts out 1 day. I've been told not to expect to finish everything before 8 hours. Oh yeah.. I have to get a new DL as well.. such fun. Daughter & her family doing fine, grandkids growing and changing.. thank good...
I love spring... I love the flowers, the trees, the look of fresh grass.. all the wonders of the earth waking up from its winter nap... But my allergies hate it. I haven't actually counted the days till the first frost... but I know within 1 to 2 weeks... I'll be wishing for freezing weather again. I prefer the cold. My allergies are happier, I don't keep kleenex profits up by myself... but, alas,, living where I do. I have to battle the allergies. I take pills.. I switch off as my...
Why do I have insomnia every Sunday evening? It is getting really old. I'm exhausted come Monday morning, and that isn't the way I like to start the week. I've tried everything, and my Dr. isn't one for sleeping pills.. especially since it's only 1 x a week. Well, sometimes it's 2 or 3 x a week, but mostly Sunday nights.. It isnt that I hate my job.. It's tollerable... I just can't wind my mind down to sleep! gezzzzz this is soooo no fun. Take care, I'm going to go read, thanks...
I crawled out of bed.. dressed, grabbed lunch & breakfast, and headed out the door. WOW,, the wind was strong, stepped back in, put on warmer jacket, and left again. That is when I saw it. SNOW!!!!!!!!! It was snowing! Not a blizzare, but it was coming down! It was beautiful. The ground was slowly being covered, I was sooo happy. By 9:00 a.m. it was history. It was like Mother Nature had this small amount left over and was cleaning out the attic before bringing in spring. I ...
OK.. back to the same ol'e thing.. laundry, kitchen, housework.. such fun..lol But, everything is done.. work tomorrow, and then everything gets back to automatic. IRS was survived, trip to CA.. survived, now, just life, work, eat, clean, repeat. But at least I'mhere to repeat. Now.. if only I get the winning lotto #'s.... I could.... pack up the apartment.. and hmmmmmmmm what would I do... any suggestions?lol Thanks for stopping bye.. don't forget to say hi!
Wenesday I will board a plane that will take me to my family in San Diego. I will knit while flying. I can take 14" metal needles, strong enough to cause pain, but they would be legal... I have to make sure that my fingernail clippers do not have that little file on them.. that is illegal... Ok what is wrong with the above statement? nothing... it's a fact. Once can take knitting needles... any size,, from very very thin to big on an airplane. One can knit and enjoy this wonderful ...
I survived the first half of my work week.. only 8 hrs left tomorrow and I'm done till Monday. I'm going to attempt spring cleaning now and avoid the rush.. so later on I can enjoy everyone else cleaning, lol Work has been insane... crazy and hectic. But.. it's work My cat has found new ways to get into my stash of yarn, and she may end up being a fuzzy ball yet. Hope all your days are good take care
Ok.. I didn't win the lottery, so had to go to work. No big deal.. same thing. If I ever do win the lottery I'll probably loose the ticket and never know it.. or misplace the ticket till it expires. Oh well, Work gets me out of the house, provides the means for which I pay bills to provide housing, utilities, food.. Cassie is wanting attention.. She feels deprived due to having to torment the fish all by herself all day. I know she sleeps on my pillow, it's always so nice and warm,l...