Last night I received a call from my granddaughter. I answered the phone, I thought it was my daughter. it was.. but she simply said my granddaughter wanted to talk w/ me. She handed the phone to my granddaughter, and she & I talked about 3 minutes. For a 3 yr old, that is a fairly long conversation. She said she missed me, she had a boo boo, and her brother is walking.. among other things.
Then she said I love you , bye bye, and hung up. She is very fast getting off the phone.. lol
Today I spoke w/ my daughter about the call. She said Angel, (my granddaughter) stated she wanted to talk to Grandma... So, my daughter handed her the phone, after calling me. She said after we had hung up, Angel was fine, and stated she had talked to me.
i remember about 20 yrs ago or so, when it was my daughter wanting to call her grandparents. They weren't able to always understand totally what she was saying, but the memories are priceless.
So, I look forward to many years of talking to her and her brother.. he's 1 right now,
No matter how many pics I have, or see, hearing their voices still make me smile, and misty eyed.