I have today, and yesterday off. Tomorrow I work, then off Sunday.
During this time I am bound & determined to finish up a knitting project I've let take too long. It's a blanket for a dear friend of mine who is awesome about picking me up & dropping me off at the airport when I fly out.
I've finished over 1/2 of it, and hopefully will finish at least 3/4 of it by Sunday night.
I've put it off. but now.. nothing else gets knitted till it's done. Laundry is done between rows, and I'm a woman on a mission!
Then, I'll have finished all works in progress. For non knitters it may seem crazy to have more than 1 project going.. but, I've had 3-4 going at once. One at work, one at home, one for on the go... well, all is finished except this one.
Then, I can put this one on my done list, and look to see what I want to knit.
I'm spring cleaning in many ways. Finishing up stuff I've put off for way too long.
Cleaning out all the cobwebs, and minimizing things.
I feel better for it. Feel relieved for it.
I can't say I won't do it again.. (have more than one project going) it does make sense... but,, I'm going to remember the job of having finished things done!
Have a great weekend everyone,, thanks for stopping bye.. and have don't forget to say hi!