everything changes but returns
My daughter was surprised as heck when she was a SR. and I could pick out all the cool clothes. I would smile, and say thanks. Little did she know I had worn almost the same styles when I was a Sr.
Now, it has started all over again. I was looking at kids clothes, and the styles are so much like what I dressed my daughter in it was scary. My daughter had sent me a pic of her daughter in a cute outfit that looked sooo very similar.
So.. I dug out the photo book, and yes.. there it was.. my daughter in almost the same identical outfit. I scanned it in and emailed it to her. She called.. and asked how did I get that pic? I simply stated I took it about 20 yrs ago.
When my mother was still alive, we were looking at the photo albums. She saw a pic of me and commented on how cute an outfit my daughter had on.. and why didn't I dress her in it more often?
I looked at the pic, and lol. I said "Well, if you tell me where you put it about 20+ yrs ago I'd be happy to. " She looked at me questioning. I said, Mom, that's me in that picture.
While I will admit my daughter does look like me.. more when she was a baby than now.. but we still are acknowledged easily in public as Mother & daughter.
Her daughter looks so much like her father, it is almost scary. She does have some of my daughter's looks, but resembles her Dad more.
I know at times we see what we want.. but when others reaffirm that it makes one a bit happier.
Styles may come and go, and some things never change, but this world keeps turning, it just seems to be spinning faster and faster lately.
Thanks for coming by, and don't forget to say hi!