just when I thought it might be safe
Published on May 29, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
For some unknown reason.. I have pulled a muscle in the middle of my back. I have no idea how I did it.. I woke up and the upper back was swollen. I am on muscle relaxers & vicodan.. again.. I left early from work.. I had had enough..

I chipped a tooth.. exposing a nerve..

My fish tank is overwhelmed w/ algae, and the algae eaters aren't eating it.

Ok.. enough Murphy.. go away and pick onsomeone your own size.

I've had enough this year.. give me a month break.. PLEASE!

If anyone knows how to get Murphy the Heck out of here.. let me know!

Thanks for stopping bye.. take care, and don't forget to say hi!

on May 30, 2007
I had a wonderful (annoying) friend, who no matter what was going on would follow up with, "that's good, though..." Sometimes she was so perky I wanted to smack her. Migraine? "That's good thoug, it gives your hubby a chance to pamper you..." You get the drift.

So here is me offering Colleen style comfort.

Murphy's Law whooped your butt? That's good though, you avoided a head-on collision with a semi that would have been there if you stayed at work the whole day.

Yes you can smack me...
on May 30, 2007
lol, roflmbo, Thanks for that... I have a friend similar to that.. I've warned her.. she has learned w/ me that when everything seems to be going wrong... that showing me the positive side might not be to her advantage, lol.


on May 30, 2007

Yes you can smack me...

Dont make her laugh!  It hurts worse!

As for the fish tank, even with Plakos it needs to be cleaned occassionaly.  But it will wait until the back is better.

on May 30, 2007
Sorry to read about your back. I know how much that hurts. Take it easy and let it heal. the rest can wait.
on May 30, 2007
Rest up and take it easy.

In Keeping with Mrs Mitchells attitude

It could be worse

on May 30, 2007
Wish I knew how to get Murphy out of your hair...but I don't.

Hmmm...maybe you can keep some garlic around. Works to ward off vampires.

Hope you luck turns soon.
on May 30, 2007
Thanks guys... I do have garlic- love the stuff. The good news: My short term disability is approved. The bad news: It was approved 2 days after the cut off for my paycheck for the 31st. The good news: I'll have a huge check on the 15th. The bad news. I've got to borrow some money for rent. The good news: I'm fairly sure that won't be a problem. The bad news: Now my right side of my jaw is swollen it is either a: bell's palsy, B. clogged saliva duct.. I've had B before.. If this doesn't get better.. I have to go to DR. Friday.

Good news: My back is improving: Bad news: it could also be C: tooth problem.. I hate dentists worse than Mason hates tarping in a hail storm at night in freezing weather, having to tarp 5 seperate items on 2 trailers, without lights to see. ( that times infinity).

Good news: I have dental insurance.. Bad news: I have to find a dentist.

Well, enough of the good vs bad.. thanks for all the comments.. Bear hugs your way.. thanks for stopping by.. don't forget to say hi.

Good news: my knitting project is 3/4 done. Bad news: I have to wait till the 15th to get new project to start. Good news: I can mail out stuff to kids once knitting project is done.

Bad News:

on May 30, 2007
lol it cut me off!

Bad News: I hav eto work Friday to make up leaving early Tuesday.

Take care all