why do I want to do what I can't?
In recent posts, I've advised I've been hampered by a problem w/ my back & shoulders... I'm slowly healing, and thus in that in between stage..
I want to do something.. but everything I want to do I'm not able to due to my muscles still healing.
I've seen the dust that just appeared on the top shelf.. ( yeah just appeared) and would love to clean it.. but that would require stretching and my muscles aren't quite ready for that.
I've noticed several things that really need to be done..but...
So.. I can be assured, that once I'm able to do the things I need to do.. I'll be barraged by things I want to do..lol
Oh well.. Life goes on.. and at least the house is straight.. stuff put up.. and organized.. The dust will wait a few days... I'm sure it won't be cleaned by the cat who started all this problem..
Thanks for stopping by , be careful.. and don't forget to say hi!