Daytime TV is for the pitts!
I'm still housebound due to my fall. Dr. did say by Monday I should be back to being able to work.
I can do more than I could.. and have done some cleaning, dusting etc. It's my low back at this point, and I'm slowly getting back to normal. But for the most part, TV & my knitting is all that is keeping me company.
I love to knit.. and I do enjoy tv.. but daytime tv is driving me nuts. I use to watch the soaps... quit that years ago.Not a fan of game shows, so it's 80's reruns... Matlock, Magnum, Simon& Simon... that is keeping me half sane.
I have movies.. but can't relax & really watch them.. I am so bored, naps are sounding good. Then I'm up half the night.. or like last night. I fell asleep after 5:30 am.!
So.. a few more days then I can hopefully be back to my "normal" routine.
I am going to try knitting more.. but I'm just frustrated. The pain pills make me kinda numb, but do help the back pain..
I'm just ready for all this to be over.
Sorry for the rant, thanks for stopping by and take care... don't forget to say hi!