The cat did it!
Published on April 30, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
It was about 5:20 a.m. today. I was getting dressed.. I kicked the cat's toy out of the way, and went to put on my jeants. For some asine reason my cat decided to come out of nowhere & attack it's toy. This action caused the following reaction: I was half in & half out of my jeans... I tried to dodge the cat, couldn't & fell catching my weight w/ my hands, and twisting my back as I fell. The cat fled.

After I layed there I realized I had to get up or I would be mortified for dieing in that position. I dragged myself to the bed, set up, and kicked the jeans off.

Pain is the easiest and safest word to use... I hobbled into the shower for hot soothing water.... It didn't help. Ibuprophen didn't help. I couldn't dry myself totally off... I will admit to crying at this point. I called in for work, and layed down.. trying to decide what to do.

Finally, I tried ice on & off my shoulders... which had you been watching you'd have lol. It hurts to raise my hands... So needless to say it was interesting. The ice didn't help and the tears came again.

I grabbed the heating pad ( easy to reach, and tired it.. nothing)

Finally time for Dr's office to open. THey had an appointment open.. just had to get dressed. A certain upper under garment went unused.. no way could it be put on.

Dr's office tried not to giggle... Dr. himself, lol. Gave me a shot to start helping, heavy duty pain meds, muscle relaxers, and told to go home.. no work for at least a week.

Got pain meds... and slept for a bit..

Im typing this in short spurts... I normally type about 95 wpm.. I'm at about 20 now.

Needless to say.. I won't be typing much this week or knitting, or being able to lay w/out pain, or sit w/out pain for a bit. Cat has finally resurfaced.. no remorse... just wanting my sandwich... (ham & bread & mustard.. not too wild).

Dang cat.

Thanks for stopping by, take care, don't forget to say hi!

on Apr 30, 2007
Can I laugh and still say I'm sorry to hear ya injured yourself?

Believe me, I've had that same thought about being found dead or incapacitated in a less than flattering pose more than once in my life.

But, that'll teach ya to go around kicking the cat's toys.
on Apr 30, 2007


Sorry to hear you cat kicked your, caused your accident. heh.

IT is funny tho.


on Apr 30, 2007
ow that sucks, I hope you feel better soon!
on Apr 30, 2007
That's pretty much the suck. Hope you heal quick!

But I laughed a little.
on Apr 30, 2007
If I didn't know I'd be giving a laugh.. I wouldn't have printed it.. Hey.. for a Monday morning.. it was classic... lol

The cat stills shows no remorse.. but she did offer some

or else she just liked my heating pad.. who knows...

on May 01, 2007
After I layed there I realized I had to get up or I would be mortified for dieing in that position.

You have a great sense of humor. I hope you feel better soon.

What you have to know is, you have been manipulated by the cat, it was the cats plan to have you home more for extra cuddles and stroking! They are sly creatures!
on May 01, 2007

I hope this is not a disease that is spreading through JU!

Hope it gets better quickly, but a week off of work does not sound like it will.

on May 01, 2007
The cat brought me her toy this morning and wannted to play. I wish I could have thrown it accross the room... but I did manage to get it off the bed.... darn cat!
on May 02, 2007

Well, I pulled muscles in my back just driving in to work today, so don't feel too bad.

The cat will never show's just the heating bad that she likes.