Frustrated is a mild word
Published on May 18, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
Recently I was off work due to an injury. OK.. now big deal.. We have short term disability.. no biggee right???

I received a denial letter due to the insurance company not receiving information from the doctor. I thought what the heck?

So.. I called Dr. office and requested they fax the info again. Still.. denial. So yesterday I called requested they make copies of last 2 office visits, and call me if they could fax it then or if I need to pick it up tomorrow, (today)

No call.. but some weird calls on phone.

OK.. Today I went to Dr.'s office to pick them up. The receptionist stated they were faxed. I replied.. I didn't leave a fax#. She checked and came back w/ the notes. THEY WERE FROM OCTOBER 2006! I stated I had asked for the last 2 office visits. She went back again and came up with the correct information

I was denied due to the Dr.'s office being unable to listen and follow simple instructions!

So, I sent out a letter with the requested information, and hope I get it cleared up asap so I get my check by the end of the month so I can pay rent!

All this due to incompetency in listening!

I am sooo frustrated I could kill. But, life goes on.. hopefully it will be worked out in time.

This year has been one thing after another. But, on the positive side I'm clearing all decks!. I'm minimizing things in my house, and clearing out junk I've not used in years. I'm selling my dinning room suite due to the fact I don't entertain on a large scale anymore. I have a table for 12, when I usually only have 4-6 over at any one time. I want to simplify all the things that I can. I am tired of dusting & polishing something I never use.

I'm cleaning out closets, going through drawers, I've thrown out 6 huge trash bags of stuff. Most of it was papers from my Mother's estate. She passed away 10 years ago. I did shred it before however. I also had 3 years of phone books.. explain why I kept all of them? gezzzz. Time to move on. It's amazing what I've found. The file cabinet is next. I am no longer in business for myself and don't need the huge 5 drawer Hon filing cabinet. Only 1and 1/2 drawers are being used. I'm selling it.

It's amazing how closet doors shut soo much easier when decluttered!

The 2 weeks I was off helped me mentally to relax and reflect. Mentally I feel better than I have in years. The house is looking amazing, and my cat is finding more places to hide! lol

Thanks for stopping by, don't forget to say hi.. and take care out there!

on May 18, 2007
Yeah it sucks when people don't bother to pay attention and follow through properly. Hey, it's not their money at stake.

on May 18, 2007

Where have I heard - injury - waiting for the money - Before?

At least you cleared it up faster than Mason did.

on May 18, 2007

In my opinion,  people don't listen because they're self-centered,  and not professional.  Being a professional means paying attention and also not missing any cues during a conversation.  I agree with ya,  sheeesh!

Hey,  can ya come over to my house and help me with de-cluttering??  I did some of that when I moved in Feb.,  have done it here since!  and still it seemst to collect. 

Although when a really great job of it is done,  the peace of mind is worth it!  Unless you're like me and get a phone call from SS and they want records from 10 and 11 years ago,  and I just tossed them a little over two years ago when I cleaned house...ya just never know what you'll need!

on May 18, 2007
I submittied the info.. they have 45 days to make their decision. They never bothered telling me they didn't receive the correct information. Had they done that, (when I called 3 times) I would have already sent it.
on May 18, 2007
I'll be glad to.. I've fought the IRS.. won war, but lost a few battles... . Thus the need of 2nd job. Just let me know where yOu are. I've organized several of my friends.. I mean.. bad situations.. like they have all their information for the last 20+ years!!!!

So.. your situation couldn't possibly be that bad...

just email me hun!..