Everything is looking beautiful!
Published on March 28, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Just Hanging Out
I love spring... I love the flowers, the trees, the look of fresh grass.. all the wonders of the earth waking up from its winter nap...

But my allergies hate it. I haven't actually counted the days till the first frost... but I know within 1 to 2 weeks... I'll be wishing for freezing weather again. I prefer the cold. My allergies are happier, I don't keep kleenex profits up by myself... but, alas,, living where I do. I have to battle the allergies.

I take pills.. I switch off as my body seems to get immune to one brand after while. I take otc.. they are just as good as the RX ones.. and cheaper.

I long for September... football.. autumn, cooler wether... ah well... 5 full months a a week or so... hmmmmm wonder if "Down Under" is having cooler weather about now...lol

Thanks for stopping by.. don't forget to say hi!

on Mar 28, 2007
It felt like Spring here in WI a couple of days ago but has turned cold and blustery again. I really enjoyed the one nice day.

I know how you feel about the allergies as I've suffered from them all of my life as well. I used to take various remedies for it but finally just gave up and live with the symptoms. In doing that it seems like the allergies have actually grown less over time. Yeah, I still have symptoms but every year they seem to be a little less severe than the previous year.

Or maybe I've just learned to live with them. Who knows? I do know that I am a warm weather person and allergies or no I'll take Summer over Winter any time.
on Mar 29, 2007

I have allergies as well - albeit they are mild and not enough to make me hate spring.  They only act up for a short time in the spring and fall.

But my wife is like you. 

on Mar 29, 2007

But my wife is like you.

Dr Guy, Tell her I send cases of the soft puffs her way....
on Mar 29, 2007
It was gorgeous and springy, and I couldn't wait to get out in my garden . . .

And then I woke up to six inches of snow on my front porch yesterday.
