(don't hit me, someone has to like the cold)
Published on April 5, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Just Hanging Out
Ok.. KC is gettting hit w/ records lows.. but, if anyone would bother to remember the old wives tale & the Farmer's Almanak, eveone knows not to plant before Easter.

(ducking from all the stuff thrown at me)

I have friends who have planted their spring flower gardens, only to have them get bit by the frost bug. I tried to tell them.. but no they knew more than the old timer's.

Meanwhile, I get to enjoy a bit more of the cool temps, hopefully it will kill a few more bugs. So... that is a good thing

Tomorrow I'm off to the dreaded DMV..

Think of me...

Thanks for stopping by.. don't forget to say hi!

on Apr 06, 2007
My Wife likes the cold.  I dont mind it, but I wish it would make up its mind!  I hate moving the plants into and out of the garage.
on Apr 06, 2007
But Doc... That way you get more exercise.... lol Anyway.. Easter is Sunday.. after that things should be back to normal....