I've basically been functioning on auto pilot. I've done this for about 5 years. That is over. I've decided to shake up my life and challange myself. This means new eating habits, new life habits, and possibly new employment. I'm in a rut, things are the same, without realing improving. I'm not sad, I'm not happy, just in neutral. I'm not talking about my family of course, I love my daughter & her family which is the joy of my life. She is the Mother of my 2 beautiful grandchild...
I'm craving home made cookies. The kind I made a few weeks ago. They have everything but the kitchen sink in them. They have coconut, oatmeal, chocolate chips, crushed corn flakes, etc. They are great. I am craving snacks, and hate the price of store bought cookies. I want something that I know the ingredients are basic without a lot of fillers. These cookies freeze great, so I can pull a few out a day, and by snack time, mid morning, middle afternoon, they will be perfect. I've m...
When I saw the Dr. yesterday, I had mentioned i was having trouble sleeping.. like falling asleep at 5 am when I have to get up at 5:15. So, he put me on some sleeping pills for a short while till I get back to sleeping normally again. Tonight I looked at the label. It states : Caution: May cause Drowsiness. May cause Dizziness. I reread it again... The Prescrit is for sleeping pills. they're created to cause sleeping.. Why then do they put that warning on those pills. I mean...
Yesterday for lunch I wanted something warm and simple. Red lobster has a great soup & salad for under $7.00. Perfect for what I had in mind. I was seated, and given my menu, and was told my waiter would be here soon. I settled down, started reading my book, and relaxed. The couple just across from me was being waited on for their order. They were 2 women, and upset that one of the "specials" wasn't able to be changed. they acted like it was the waiters fault. Finally, they agre...
My friends were babysitting my cat while I was on vacation. I picked her up last night. She was over there a little over 2 weeks. She came into the room, looked at me.. and ignorned me. It is true.. one has never been ignorned till ignorned by a cat. She refused to look at me. She prefered to go to any man in the room. She has always liked men.. but to be ignorned by her, after being together for over 3 years..it well, dang it , it hurt. Finally she tolerated me petting her.. a...
OK, made it there, spoiled the grandkids, and made it home. it was 70 Christmas Eve, and when I arrived on the 28,it was 29 degrees, Snow & ice, and nice normal weather. Don't think I'm wrong, I love the warm, 70 is perfect, but, I have a deep enjoyable love for the cold. It revitalizes me. My car was covered w/ snow, and it was just nice to see snow this time of year. I'm trying to catch up on everything like laundry, and general cleaning. Then enjoy a nice calm quiet new years eve...
Tomorrow at this time.. (if all goes well, ) I'll be on an airplane headed to San Diego. I will have all the packing done, the stuff dropped off, and work finished. I will have survived another 11 hrs of work, and will be on relax mode. I'll be playing w/ grandkids, talking w/ daughter, and enjoying family. I'm taking my laptop for the first time, ( I have had it about a month) So think of me as I encounter a different security issues. I survived the party today, all the insanity of b...
OK, I work Sat, Mon, Tues, and leave Tuesday night. I've known I was going to fly out for over 6 weeks. I have known about X-Mas for quite some time, I mean its' the same day each year. So, being an adult of at least average IQ, why do I put off doing everything to the end? I know better. But, You wait, I'll be up all night Monday, getting stuff done, Work 6:30 am till 6:00 pm Tuesday, then fly out. I'll be tired, excited, and anxious. then I have the 2 hours I gain, maybe I ...
Now for those who know me know I love cold, snow, all that stuff. But the ice... forget it. I can't control driving on ice. it makes it completely unpredictable. I have put a huge sheet of heavy balck plastic over my front windows, and front doors of my car. . I don't have to do any scrapping, just spray some anti ice stuff on on the back window, let the car warm up, and drive away. Now getting to the car was the main problem today. I slipped on the ice covered snow which was cov...
Ok, 10 days to go before I fly out to be with my daughter's family for X-mas. I have arranged for the owner of the house, (cat) to be at a friends during the time. She will be pampered, petted, loved, and spoiled, or otherwise continuation of her life here. I have most of things bought, will pick up last few things this weekend. Including picking up some presents from the other grandparents, about 30 miles away, to take to deliver. But the one thing that could have prevented making t...
It started off as a simple idea... go to the store to pic up a present or 2 for grandkids. Very very simple. I cleared off the windows, warmed my car, and procedded slowly down the road. Entered the interstate, and drove under the limit, but still respectable for a snow covered, and icy road. About 55-60. I was driving in the slow lane, and of course being passed like I was standing still. A 4 wheeler flew by and skidded into me, I was able to hit the shoulder, and stop. But I blew...
HI. I've started some oddball knitting for baby blankets. What this means is that I start a small baby blanket, mail it to another knitter, she add's to it... (whatever color & stitch she wants) and mails it to another. A very dear knitter started this for blankets & shawls, and she allowed me to copy her idea. The baby blankets are for our Children's hospital. I'm adding to the shawl for a person who needs some extra comfort, and will mail it out in a few days. I love kni...
I have cleaned. Knitted, organized my sock drawer. I'm out of here. Im going to go find something intereting to do. Have to stay busy. Nice cool day, sunny.. perfect day to get out. If and when she calls.. she will. I have my cell.. I'll get the call. I have to do something besides look at these walls. i need some new yarn, and have a few errands. I found a credit card that had dust on it.. so.. of course I should clean that ... Think of me.. I'm trying not to go crazy..
Thanks guys... I do have garlic- love the stuff. The good news: My short term disability is approved. The bad news: It was approved 2 days after the cut off for my paycheck for the 31st. The good news: I'll have a huge check on the 15th. The bad news. I've got to borrow some money for rent. The good news: I'm fairly sure that won't be a problem. The bad news: Now my right side of my jaw is swollen it is either a: bell's palsy, B. clogged saliva duct.. I've had B before.. If this doesn't get b...
For some unknown reason.. I have pulled a muscle in the middle of my back. I have no idea how I did it.. I woke up and the upper back was swollen. I am on muscle relaxers & vicodan.. again.. I left early from work.. I had had enough.. I chipped a tooth.. exposing a nerve.. My fish tank is overwhelmed w/ algae, and the algae eaters aren't eating it. Ok.. enough Murphy.. go away and pick onsomeone your own size. I've had enough this year.. give me a month break.. PLEASE!