OK, I work Sat, Mon, Tues, and leave Tuesday night. I've known I was going to fly out for over 6 weeks. I have known about X-Mas for quite some time, I mean its' the same day each year.
So, being an adult of at least average IQ, why do I put off doing everything to the end? I know better. But, You wait, I'll be up all night Monday, getting stuff done, Work 6:30 am till 6:00 pm Tuesday, then fly out.
I'll be tired, excited, and anxious. then I have the 2 hours I gain, maybe I can get some sleep. yeah right. Oh well, when I fly out next summer someone remind me not to put stuff off!
Tomorrow, I have errands to run, and the last few things to finish up to get done, so that Sunday I can actually sleep!
Wish me luck, thanks for stopping bye & don't forget to say hi!