how come i get hit by the bad drivers?
It started off as a simple idea... go to the store to pic up a present or 2 for grandkids. Very very simple.
I cleared off the windows, warmed my car, and procedded slowly down the road. Entered the interstate, and drove under the limit, but still respectable for a snow covered, and icy road. About 55-60. I was driving in the slow lane, and of course being passed like I was standing still. A 4 wheeler flew by and skidded into me, I was able to hit the shoulder, and stop. But I blew a tire. A highway state aid truck stopped, changed my tire, I went and bought a new tire, and locked the door, and came home and wa nted to bury my head.
The police flew by and I saw he was abel to stop the idiot. I have no idea if he recieved a ticket or not. Another cop stopped
and made sure i was ok. So, that was nice.
I love the weather, just hate the idiots, it happens every time it snows here.