Published on December 6, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Misc
OK, have new laptop, have new tv, door fixed that robbers broke into, and I have ticket for X-mas travel

Life has been crazy for the last several months. My home was broken into when I flew out to my daughters for 2.5 weeks. It was broken into on the last night i was gone.

Computer crashed the next day, the day I arrived home. I had bronchitis, was out of work for 2.5 weeks. and generally was out of it.

Life is going better, I'm learning to deal w/ my new laptop, i've replaced the tv that died, and generally feel almost human. I've missed this place, its the one place i can find humor, life, and all that goes with that.

I'm working on baby blankets for our local children's hospital. I haven't been able to focus on anything else. My Dr. and I are having a disagreement as to what may be wrong.

Take care, I'll write more later. The funniest line i heard lately.... At a collections department.. But why did you give me a late fee just for being late? Some people need keepers all thier lives!

Big bear Hugs

on Dec 06, 2007
Welcome back!!!!

Sorry to hear about all your troubles and am glad things are coming back to normal for you.

Missed ya.
on Dec 06, 2007
Thanks and a big bear hug
on Dec 07, 2007
Good to see you back!  I was wondering where you had gone to.  Sorry for your troubles, and I hope they are all now behind you.