It will get better
Published on March 21, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
OK, so far this year, I've survived the IRS, my car blowing up, the dishwasher & washing machine going nuts, and the birth of my grandson.

Does anyone realize it is only now March!!!!!!!!!! I am ready for the rest of the year to go smooth. I mean smooth as smooth. I'm still dealing w/ the IRS.. but, will survive. New car doing great, and other machines are fine.

Grandson is growing like a weed, and big sister still loves him to pieces.

I'm ready for spring, a new arrival.. I love the pretty flowers, the blooms.. however, my allergies are getting ready to go nuts.. So,, I stocked up on kleenex & allergy pills.

This weekend spring cleaning will be done, and stuff set up on ebay, craigs list, etc.

I have my 3 day weekend and Im going to enjoy it.

Hopefully next Sunday night I'll be so tired I'll sleep instead of insomnia.

Easter presents have been bought, ready for shipping,and yes of course I do spoil my daughter, & grandkids, son-in-law is easy.. he likes candy.. so all is taken care of.

My wish for all of you is a great weekend.. I have one more day of work.. then I am going to do something instead of just getting half way done w/ stuff.

If anyone can explain to me why I have kept some of the stuff I have.. I would appreciate it. The logic escapes me as to why certain things have made it through the moves,, and other things have been lost.. I have no idea.

Take care, thanks for stopping by & don't forget to say hi!

on Mar 21, 2007
I know why. Because when you look at the item, you think either "Remember when..." or "I might be able to use this later." That's how I accumulate crap.

Glad things are looking up for you.
on Mar 21, 2007
lol You are right.. or.. as my daughter informed me when I asked her... uh mom.. maybe you kept the toss box instead of the save box, lol
on Mar 21, 2007

Grrr!!!! This BP is going to cost me a day with my son!  Yea, this year is starting out as a real nasty!

Check with me in a month.  Will let you know.  But good going!  You survived!