ok.. no more bad things for the rest of the year
Published on March 16, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
A week ago my dishwasher went out, then the washer, then my car. Monday the washer was fixed, Tuesday the dishwasher, and Thursday I have a new car.

Do I want to go through another week like that? In a word NO. It has been crazy, frustrating, and at times almost suicidal. But it is over. My washer works, my dishwasher is fine, and the car runs great.

Now, I'm still trying to catch up getting all the stuff done I wasn't able to do during the insanity.

If it weren't for 2 dear friends I would still be looking for a car. I know very very little about cars. I know where the oil goes, and how to put air in the tires. That is about it. My 2 friends took me around, and helped me find a car. I bow to their expertise, and would put my girlfriends up against any male car shoppers. They were awesome!. They kept me away from the lemons, and made me have the car inspected before purchase. I'm baking and knitting their gifts.

A word to the wise, when life is handing you lemons, and you're ready to scream, look around.. usually there is someone around who would love to help. I hate asking for help. These 2 went above and beyond, and we knew each other,but weren't real close. I have learned that if you give just a little, you receive so much in return.

I'm tired but happy, almost calm, and ready for bed.. take care, thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to say hi!

on Mar 16, 2007
I'm glad ya got everything straightened out. I was wondering where you've been.

I hate asking for help.

I know exactly what you mean. I'd rather rip out my toenails with needle nosed pliers than have to ask for help.
on Mar 16, 2007
Thanks... but I also found that while I love to help others, others also love to help. Its a circle. They were so happy to help me, I was a bit embarrassed as having to ask. But, they volunteered, and the 3 of us are now closer. Hope you get better also! Bear hugs your way
on Mar 16, 2007
on Mar 17, 2007
What a week! Yikes.

My husband is in Iraq and it seems like when he is gone EVERYTHING breaks.

Right now I've got a pantry door off its hinges and a shattered mirror on a sliding glass closet door upstairs. My boys don't do it intentionally, but they are very good at breaking things.

I also hate asking for help. I don't like being weak. I'm not very competent when it comes to many things, but somehow I manage.

I bought a new car by myself when I was 8 mos. pregnant. I did all the research, set up the financing, and did everything myself. I was very proud.

Hope next week is better for you.