the need for organization
Quick, tell me where all your supportive irs paperwork is for 2002. Yeah right, that is what I'm doing. I have one more chance to prove to them.. (irs) that I had a loss, not an income that year. I am having nightmares of papers running away from me... I have most of what I need, just not the most important part. I could scream, but what good would that do. I've cried, threw papers, and pillows.
My cat, understandably has hidden at times, then tried to help me sort the paper avalanche. Remind me why I love cats? She is sweet, but soo damn nosy I'm about ready to knit furry mittens out of her hide. I wouldn't but gezzz she can be frustrating.
Needless to say I've had a headache for days.. trouble sleeping, and bouts of sadness, frustration, and sheer panic. But, other
than that, I'm doing swell. I left home today to get something for dinner, simple order, & they managed to mess it up. I was too upset & tired to care. That is very weird for me. Usually I'll at least call the place and expain the error of their ways.
I did do something yesterday that thrilled me to no end. In my apartment complex, there is a no solicitation sign as you drive onto the property. 2 gentlemen, obviously unable to read said sign, was going door to door. I asked them to leave.. and they simply stated they had the right to be there. So, I called my sweet manager, who promptly drove down, and asked them to leave, then followed them off the property. It was wonderful.
So, I'm going to try and get some sleep, my nerves being shot, and needed sleep. Take care, thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to say hi.