the irs won
Published on January 26, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Life Journals
It isn't a pretty picture. Basically I've being audited from 2002. Long story short.. I'm hitting a brick wall. I have about 2 weeks to straighten things out... or else.

Lovely government system we have. Guilty till proven innocent.

It makes it very very hard to keep fighting brick walls, with only paper to knock them down...

on Jan 26, 2007

Dont sweat it.  I was audited 3 years in a row.  But all was well. One year I claimed a deduction on my side business and not on my regular 1040.  They went after that!  But as I did have the documentation, it went no where.

One bit of advice.  If they have 2 questions, send 2 letters!  I combined them into one.  They read the first and then tried to dun me on the second again!  I had to resend.

Send one letter for each question.  They are not smart enough to read 2 responses in one letter! (and that is a story in itself!  Thanks for the memory jog).

on Jan 26, 2007
Thanks, but have been audited and was found guilty. I've been to the department 3 times. I now have 2.5 weeks to prove them wrong, or they take my entire paychecks till paid. Even if I will be homeless. They have already put the attach to my paycheck for 2-15.

I have shown them the loss, (wonderful stock tips weren't so wonderful), but they claim I have fradulently produced them. I have to send them to the IRS from my stock broker.. (*done 2 x already)

SO... it's really a big bummer. If it was summer.. I'd just live by the lake....

thanks for the advice....I'll keep it in mind- But I'd have to send 15 letters, lol.
on Jan 26, 2007
But I'd have to send 15 letters, lol.

Ouch! Best of luck. While we sit in our middle class pond, the trumps laugh at us.
on Jan 26, 2007
One of my entrepreneur cousins lost to the IRS. He went from business owner to driving a truck and the IRS getting a healthy piece of his check every payday. He says after penalties, in thirty years he should be free and clear.  

Good luck to you.