You get more fly's with honey than you do with vinegar.
Today at work the phone calls were horrible. I can understand having a bad day, but, I swear after today Alexander G. Bell better be glad he is dead.
All the calls today from customers, were very very challanging to say the least. I did not personaly cause any of these people problems. I tried to help, apologize, correct, and nothing seemed good enough. It was my fault it seemed that even though they caused the problems themselves, it was I who was being mean.
I understand things happen in life, but when will people accept responsibility for their own actions? I've been down many roads in my life, and can understand about almost everything. But to yell, curse, and generally be hateful just because I answered the phone is frustrating. I'm use to it, but be upset at the company, not at the person who answers the phone. It gets a bit old at times. But, I do enjoy the ability to help these same customers correct the problems.. so that is why I'm still there.
I'm a specialists on accounts. I can handle almost all problems they have to deal with. But they seem to think that yelling, and being downright rude will get me to be nicer to them that they "deserve" for me to bend over backwards.
Just a general bit of advice. When calling on the phone with a problem. Have your account number. A piece of paper, and a writtting utencil. If you want to make a payment, have the method of payment available. I know that may seem very normal to most people, but you would be surprised. They call wanting infomation, but then tell you to wait why they find something to write with. If you don't know your account number, understand that we have to have alternative means to look it up.
You get more fly's with honey than you do with vinegar. I am not doubting that there are representatives of some companies that are rude, hateful, and not helpful. But, at least try to see if the representative you are talking with tries to help. Is the represenative being polite? Is she/he asking questions, trying to fully understand what is wrong and trying to find out the answer?
Also realize, represenatives are REQUIRED to ask certain things. Believe me we don't like it anymore than you do.
Life is not fair. There are times when you call a company and the person answering the phone is a pain in the butt. They don't help, refused to answer your questions, and generally make you madder than when you first called. Been there done that.
That is wrong. No discussion. It is wrong.
I understand after talking w/ 5 different people in one day and getting 5 different answers is enough to send you to drink! That is wrong.
I'm just stating, realize it is a 2 way street. The representatives that are rude, are wrong. The manager needs to know,, whether or not it does any good.. that is a crap shoot.
But, the next time you need help from a company. Try, to at least listen a minute and see if the represenative is truly trying to help. Understand she/he is usually required to ask a certain amount/type of questions. Give them a chance, if it goes south, ask for the manager. Always get the name of the represenative, date & time you spoke with the represenative.
I've been frustrated and asked for a supervisor many times. That is your right, and you deserve to be treated fairly.
However, being rude,hateful and obnoxious doesn't get you anywhere. Notes may be taken each time you speak with a represenative (hopefully every time). They may list your attitude, as being argumentative for example. The next represenative sees that and is ready for a fight before you even say what is wrong.
I realize this might be offensive to some people. It is not my intention. I'm mearly passing on some info that might help.
I truly love about 90% of my job. Being able to help customers by whatever ways is best is fulfilling for me. But, I am frustrated by people who refuse to use common courtesy. But I will still be polite to them. But, that is just me.
Take care, Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to say hi!