If only it could stay just like it is...
Published on January 21, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Blogging
It snowed here in KC, Mo yesterday, and last night.. it is to finish up this am. It is sooo pretty. So peaceful.. When it was falling it was the perfect snowfall. Light, not heavy, covered the ground, but no ice. Looking up the grey sky with the snow lit up the night sky.
I love snow. I would love to be in a cabin somewhere and just watch the snowfall, and sit in front of a fire, knit, read, watch tv. that would be sooo wonderful.

But, alas nothing lasts for long. Already the perfect snow blanket has been distrubed. Footprints, etc. have rearranged the perfect smooth finish. People are out sweeping sidewalks, cars, etc.

The previous evening provided the peace that is so rare in today's world. It seems when it snows, everything becomes a bit quieter.. for just a while.

Then, reality hits and the world gets back to the noise and craziness that is a part of our world.

I'll gather up my trash, and make my way out disturbing the blanket Mother Nature provided. Getting ready for another week of work, and dealing w/ life in general.

January is over 1/2 over. It seems like it was just the end of October. I know life gets faster as we live, but would it be wrong to find a way to slow it down, just a little?

Take care, have a great day & thanks for stopping by. Don't forget to say hi!

on Jan 21, 2007
I would love to be in a cabin somewhere and just watch the snowfall, and sit in front of a fire, knit, read, watch tv. that would be sooo wonderful.

that just sounds so good! puuurrrrfect!
on Jan 21, 2007
I love snow.

ooh, not me! I have to many memories of being out on the farm-slash-ranch working in the stuff plus I HATE having to drive and slog through it. Heh, funny, but people can usually be devided into two catagories: Cabin in the mountain people or bungalow on the beach people. And I am a bungalow on the beach person!

(but of course I'm not disparging your being in the cabin in the mountains catagory! No! Far, from it. To each his own and different strokes for different folks and all that    )
on Jan 21, 2007
but of course I'm not disparging your being in the cabin in the mountains catagory! No! Far, from it. To each his own and different strokes for different folks and all that )

If we all could only accept each other's likes & dislikes as you state. *sigh* I can enjoy the beach... but I need a variety... I love all 4 seasons....
on Jan 21, 2007
I hate the snow with an ever-loving passion. We got a bunch yesterday and last night, I was out all morning shoveling.

Ugh. HATE it.
on Jan 21, 2007
We got a bunch of snow Friday night into Saturday. We hit the mountain yesterday morning. It was a bit foggy at first and then the sun came out. There is nothing more beautiful than skiing on top of a mountain when it is sunny and there is inches of fresh soft powder.

Oh yeah, I am a mountain/snow girl. Who once was a beach bungalow girl. haha..I can't decide, good thing there are four seasons to love!

on Jan 21, 2007
If I ever tried to ski, I would end up in the hospital before I went 2 feet. I would trip over my ski's and break something. I should have been named grace, lol.

I'm glad you are enjoying the snow, I personal love the beauty and peace it gives me. & I agree good thing there are 4 seasons to love!
on Jan 21, 2007
I am sitting up here in Washington looking out my windshield at all the snow and am reminded once again that I hate the stuff.
on Jan 21, 2007
I am sitting up here in Washington looking out my windshield at all the snow and am reminded once again that I hate the stuff.

Isn't it wonderful we each have our individual likes & dislikes? It keeps life interesting.