Hand made doesn't mean bad
Published on January 16, 2007 By TheSnowbear In Blogging
A friend of mine emailed me about a family. They had 4 boys and were involved in a wreck New Years Eve. Drunken driver hit the car.. and the youngest boy died. He was 4. While there are few ways that someone from far away can help.. she came up with a great idea.

The boys need comforting. They need support, as does the entire family. So, several of us are knitting a few squares to send to her to add to others to make an afghan. We have the sizes needed and colors requested. This will be out of love, will take about 2 hrs max. and most of us have the yarn in our stash.. ( our own supply of yarn we have collected)

In years gone bye there were quilting bee's to do this, but, as quilting is still alive and well, it is an art of itself. Knitting is just some thread and 2 sticks.

Sometimes in the world today we forget about helping our fellow man. Bringing or having food delivered for a loss or sickness is still done in some places, and that is a wonderful way to help. But by doing this, they will have something that will last a while, provide some comfort, and will allow those of us hundred's of miles away , to help this family.

I will admit in today's world it is easy to order something over the internet, send a gift card, etc. But to do something that requires giving of our time is not always easy. I'm as quilty as the rest, and hadn't thought of this type of comfort before.

Maybe if we take a bit of our time occassionaly to give to someone that.. our time, the world might get a bit brighter for someone else.

Take care, thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to say hi!

on Jan 18, 2007
They had 4 boys and were involved in a wreck New Years Eve. Drunken driver hit the car.. and the youngest boy died. He was 4.

That is dreadful. Drunken drivers just do not learn until it is too late. It is a nice thing that you are doing.