I can use some calm after the storm..
It's been a crazy year so far.. and its only the 12 the of January! My daughter gave birth today to my grandson.. both doing.. ok.. big sister turned 2 last Sunday. So.. January will be busy from now on.
I'll be flying out to help daughter and family in a week or so.. her mother-in-law is there now, helping w/ the granddaugter till after Mom comes home... Then I'll go and stay and try to remember how to change a tiny baby and keep up with a 2 year old! My daughter had to have C-Section.. so she will be a bit slow in recovery time.
My son-in-law is a Marine. He is over 6'4", and daughter is 5' 1", lol . But He is good to her... They are a match. He also knows how to keep me happy w/ sending me a picture asap.. Of course grandson is cute.
I live in the middle of the US.. so.. I am being hit with the snow & ice storm that Mother Nature so generously gave us. I do like the 4 seasons. I have allergies.. so the cold does help a bit before I have to fight the spring blossoms.
My cat is trying to get attention. Cassie was adopted at an animal shelter where she had about 3 hours left before she was put down. She has been with me 2 yrs now, and I love her. She demands attention, but also knows when to give me my space when I need down time. When I was very sick w/ bronchitus last fall, she slept w/ me all the time. She nuzzled me and purr'd trying to help me sleep. She is a lot of company.
My hobby is knitting.. That started when I realized I was going to be a grandmother little over 2 years ago. I enjoy it, it's relaxing, and helps my blood pressure stay within the normal range. I have made sweaters, blankets, afghans, etc.
I'm finishing up on my grandson's last blanket, and then I've ordered a kit to make him a dragon. I think when He is a bit older He'll have fun with it. I'll take it w/ me when I fly out, whether or not it's finished or not.. I enjoy the fact that I can take a 12" knitting needle.. metal mind you, but can't take a nail clipper w/ a small file on it on a plane. If you can explain that to me, I'd appreciate it. Don't get me wrong. I am glad I can take knitting needles on a plane.. but I still don't understand the logic. I can see plastic, wood even.. but metal?
Well, as I haven't slept much since she went into labor yesterday, I'm going to crash.. Thanks for stopping bye.. and be sure and say hi!